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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  October 27, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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if you think america is divided now, just wait until november 9th. this is "cnn tonight," i'm don lemon. it's not over yet, but what if hillary clinton wins? will congressional republicans follow through on their promise of endless investigations? will they block her supreme court nominations for so long we end up with fewer justices, and with questions about the clinton foundation hamstring her administration from day one? donald trump certainly seems to think so. >> if the clintons were willing to play this fast and willingness with their b enterp, imagine what they'll do once again to control the oval office. >> all right. let's get right to it. cnn's mark preston and david swerdlick are both here. a bit of news that's just happening now, mark, the fec
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federal election commission, campaign just released their final report before the election. what does it show? give us the highlights? >> some pretty telling information from these reports. we know heading into election day, donald trump has $16 million in the bank, $16 million to buy advertising, get out the vote, pay for campaign expenses in these closing days now, meanwhile, hillary clinton, $62 million in the bank. look at that right there now of course donald trump has gotten a lot of earned media, meaning he hasn't had to pay for it but necessarily that is a big discrepancy and more importantly, we saw dana bash interviewed donald trump, and asked him if he planned to put more money into the campaign and he said he planned to put in over $100 million and he's willing to go more than that. what we've seen, he at the time put in less than $60 million at that time, and don get this, in the last month he only put in $31,000, so, unless he plans on putting upwards of $40 million
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into the campaign, i don't think he's going to meet that $100 million. >> in an interview, hillary clinton answered one of the most pressing questions, those who cover the race have had, is he saying big league, i know the answer to this, but -- big lead or bigly, or big league, and my guess is within, so there's money riding on this. bigly or big lead? >> now let me ask you. you're talking about from me? >> when you're speaking on the podium and you say this is -- >> i use big league. >> so gentlemen, i knew -- i think i asked him if he was saying bigly or big league. i co-hosted the view. they thought it was bigly. it is now settled. our long national nightmare is over, david. >> yeah, bigly is a word.
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it is in merriam-webster's dictionary. he's saying big league, kind of tinged with his outer burrow access. big league. >> exactly. let's move on and talk about more substantive things. donald trump needs to add supporters in key states. this is for you david swerdlick. what's his strategy to do that and who is he targeting? >> he's tightened things up in the last week or so, in some of the key swing states. ohio, new hampshire, florida, the polls have tightened in his favor, but he seems to be operating on a strategy of turning out his core supporters. mostly, white male voters without a college degree, that is where he is strongest. he is not strong among a lot of other demographics that we normally think of as the obama
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coalition, today's "washington post" poll. clinton is ahead by 81 points among black voters, 43 among latino voters, 26 among white women with college degrees. she's up six among white men with college degrees. this is the obama coalition. she needs to hold that together and turn it out. donald trump, on the other handy think has resorted to saying we've got a core base of support and this is who we're going to try and get to the polls on election day. >> hillary clinton has made selected appearances but her surrogates blanketed the battleground states. is he strategy to lay low while michelle obama energizes the crowd? >> i don't buy the argument that he says she goes down for five days while i'm campaigning. >> that is rhetoric. >> yes, but playing into popular culture about what people are thinking about this campaign. she goes down for four or five days to do debate prep. that's just the reality of it is. what she does have though is she has got an army of surrogates that are a-listers that can go
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out there in the campaign trail, michelle obama being one, the president of the united states being the other who by the way, his approval rating is about 54%, which is pretty darn good as you're leaving offensive. joe biden, can play into these states, ohio, pennsylvania. i don't see very many opponents other than ben carson with donald trump, and also, you've also got the likes of elizabeth warren who does very well with liberal voters. she's got a bigger army. >> what do you think first lady's approval rating? >> it's got to be 175%, maybe 175.2. there's been an ongoing tit for t tat. after donald trump talked about grabbing women, biden said he'd like to take him behind the gym. >> i've got biden saying i'd
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like to take him behind the gym. i dream of that. biden. do you know what do you with biden, you go like this [ indicating ] and he'd fall over. tough guy, mr. tough guy. just a little bit of a ah, and he's gone. another beauty. can you million if i ever made that statement? donald trump is a bully. he threatened vice president biden. donald trump is a bully. you can imagine? but he can say it, everyone thought that was a wonderful statement. give me a break. these people are the world's most -- they are so bad. i dream about biden. would than easy? that would be an easy function. >> i know you are but what am i. so i mean is this grade school -- and listen, if the
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vice president was saying that to bait trump, he succeeded, mark preston. >> i don't know if he was -- if joe biden was doing that to bait trump. having to encourage joe biden for a long time, i think this is -- on two things, one, is joe biden looks at donald trump as a bully. joe biden looks and says, how can you be so mean to women based upon these allegations. joe biden, his senate career was really highlighted by his pushing of the legislation and successfully enacting the violence against women act and this is what it comes down to, it's class warfariwarfare. donald trump, thinks he has a silver spoon in his mouth and trump looks at joe biden and he says you know you are a washington elitist and you need to get out of town. >> hmm, david. >> yeah, i want to cut vice president biden a little bit of slack here, because you've got a scranton guy talking to a queens
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guy, talking about one's disrespectful comments about women, and on the other hand, donald trump does have a point. if trump had started this war of words we in the media would be saying it's just another example of trump stirring up some kind of hostile rhetoric, so it's probably time for this one to end. >> or what are we doing now laughing at both of them. any ways let's move on. i want to talk about wikileaks, david, because hillary clinton really hasn't answer good questions about wikileaks and trump is starting to press the case againstler cagainst her. can she run out the for the russians stealing information? >> she's going to try and run out the. between now and election day with all the stories going on, it is going to be hard for the trump campaign unless they just hammer this day, after day, after day, to make this case resonate with voters any more than it has for the last year that we've been talking about it, but i will say that if clinton is elected -- i'm not
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predicting it -- but if she's elected this is not going to go away. republicans in congress are still going to look into this because there are some things in the wikileaks that do reflect poorly on her inner circle. >> the news of huge premium increases should have democrats back on their heals, maybe in any other campaign it would. clinton has said that she's going to fix it. do you think any voters will change their mind because of obamacare at this point? >> sure. i'm sure some will, but it's not enough to change the election. having said that, you know, donald trump had framed the obamacare a little bit better, had this information of the premiums come out say in august or so, where the argument could be built up, had donald trump not stepped overall of his message, hillary clinton would be way down in the polls, with the wikileaks, with the obamacare, just with her secre y
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secrecy, with the server, except the fact donald trump always seems to step on his own message. >> mark, david, thank you, appreciate it. now want to bring in don king at the magic wall with good and bad news for donald trump. >> don let's call tonight's insta installment, looks can be deceiving. our new cnn electoral map donald trump's a little bit closer. looks like good news. we have secretary clinton at 272 just across the finish line, donald trump at 179. she was at 307 when we had florida and nevada leaning democratic. we've pulled those into the toss-up column because of dead heats in florida and nevada. again on the surface looks better for donald trump but -- and it's a big but -- let's look at some polling that reinforces how steep, improbable donald trump's path is. in iowa, a state he's led consistently, now quinnipiac polls say it's a tie, and quinnipiac says in its poling
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among those who have voted early, clinton has an edge, democrats using their organization to put iowa on the back. georgia, arizona, iowa. here's the third reliably red state should be locked for donald trump, he's in trouble here. 43% for clinton, so a slight trump lead, really a statistical sty and amo tie and among those early, we have need to keep an eye on georgia. and virginia, obama won it twice. republicans wanted to get it back. it used to be reliably red but this is the latest poll to show a double digit lead isn't state of virginia. 58% to 30%. time to say good-bye if you're a republican, and down to north carolina. there's reason hillary clinton decided to use north carolina for that first joint rally with north carolina. donald trump cannot win without north carolina. 47% for hillary clinton, 43% for
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donald trump. this has been persistent, stub under y ostuborn you may say. clinton is doing much better than donald trump. now let's come back to this map . if -- i way will fall into toss up -- iowa will fall into toss-up category, that would drop trump into 157 now, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, can donald trump go eight for eight? is it reasonable to expect? clinton has more money. clinton has a better organization. is it reasonable to think donald trump can win those states? of course not. even if he did, let's do it. unlikely, but let's just do it. even then it's not enough. donald trump is a little bit closer but when you go state by state, and you look at these states, not impossible, but
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highly improbable. >> tough, thank you john king, i appreciate that. when we come back new revelations about the clinton foundation, what will it all mine with 12 days until election day. raveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i'm everything. i'm from all nations. i would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark? because i'm everything. and i marked other. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at
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this is awkward for hillary clinton's campaign. new details about wikileaks and bill clinton's speaking career, one dubbing it bill clinton inc.
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bill clinton's favorability rating down from 66% to 47%. here's joe johns. >> reporter: the stolen e-mails by wikileaks appear to contain no smoking gun, but detail just how far president bill clinton profited from his role at the clinton foundation. >> the document says nothing about former secretary of state hillary clinton, but that isn't topping republicans from linking her to her husband's involvement. >> if the clintons were willing to play this fast and endless with their enterprise when they weren't in the white house, just imagine what they'll do, given the chance to once again control the oval office, and we've had enough, honestly, i think we've had enough of the clintons in all fairness. >> the newly released document written in 2011 by long time aide douglas band said he profited largely, from some of
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the same donors that poured millions into the family's charity, dbs $900,000, erickson, $150,000, bhp, $175,000, and barclays, $700,000. since 2001, president clinton's business arrangements yielded more than $30 million, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years. not all of those fee were from clinton foundation donors and there's no allegation of criminal conduct, but the rnc calls the arrangement seedy. >> reporter: they say then-secretary of clinton's actions were made best in fo foreign policy and the campaign adamantly denied there were inappropriate ba inappropriate bargains and says it it will no longer accept foreign or corporate donations.
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don? >> thank you, joe johns. how may clinton affect the white house. here's the author of electile disfunction, and investigative correspondent for yahoo news, and the author of franklin d. roosevelt and the land of america. mr. dershowitz, hillary clinton has never mentioned this clinton, inc memo. do the clintons do anything illegal in what we just saw? >> no, nothing illegal. she made no single decision based on contributions but they have to look to the future. if i were hillary clinton, i would say if elected president, my husband will not accept a single penny for speaking fees during the four or eight years on president, the clinton foundation will be put into the hands of very objective, nobel prize winning, whatever and we have nothing to do with it. if she says anything, she should look to the future and assure
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the american public that whatever happened in the past, is no problem for the future. >> so talk not just be quiet? >> i think she should talk but only about the future. >> of course donald trump is using it as an opportunity as he should, right? >> sure. >> as her opponent who was quick to pile on today, listen to this. >> just today we read about clinton confident doug brand bragging that he had funneled tens of millions to bill clinton, inc through the foundation donations, paid speeches and consulting contracts. mr. band called the arrangement unorthod unorthodox. the rest of us call it outright corrupt. if the clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise, when they weren't in the white house, just imagine what they'll do given the chance to control the oval office. >> outright corrupt allen is that accurate or are these
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practices corrupt? >> they're unseeming and they create an appearance the american public is entitled to look at but coming from donald trump making these arguments, looking at it his history, if he would bring to the white house the way he has conducted business throughout his career, it would be far worse so one has to always make comparative judges. >> you heard him mention doug band, how he helped run what he called clinton , inc, pulling i lucrative deals for in-kind services for hospitality, vacation and the like s. that standard practice, in-kind services? >> what was going on here was sustaining a lifestyle that bill clinton had become accustomed to, flying around the world, collecting large sums of money for talks and speeches, staying
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at five star hotels, and yeah, it is the gap between the rhetoric that hillary clinton and democrats have used about the problem of money and politics of undue influence for special interests and wealthy donors and then the reality of special interests and wealthy donors pouring this kind of money into the family foundation, through these sums paid to bill clinton is pretty large and that's where this is at issue and is a problem. it's -- and it has been for the clintons for a long time. the gap between the high-minded rhetoric they espouse and hillary clinton certainly espoused and the reality of these kinds of sums paid to them
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and i should point out much of this took place while hillary clinton was secretary of state in which many of these companies, for instance, ubs had interest before the government. ubs was being investigated by the justice department. it required over -- helping its customers evade taxes in the united states. it required an agreement between the state department and the swiss government in order for the justice department to get some of those records. you know, when they talk now about -- allen talked about the future, this was -- you know, these were issues while she was secretary of state. >> okay. i want to get douglas in. douglas, how much damage do these hacked memos do to the clintons? they seem to reinforce many of the concerns voters have about them. >> it does some damage but it seems like a document dump, an illegal one, meaning wikileaks,
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about people dumping this and hacking. i think the wikileaks or russia thought this was going to be a big october surprise but with no smoking gun, it -- it has a taint. it puts a paint on the clintons, but things are running fast. we've got 11 days. the news cycle's moving and this little -- these internal e-mails just aren't having the wallop that i think the trump campaign would have hoped. it doesn't help a lot of voters have been hearing about hillary clinton's e-mails and servers and wikileaks for a year now, and they're tired of it so i don't think any one of these is really that damning, but i agree with what allen said, key point, don, i think bill and hillary clinton, if she's elected president, have to distance themselves from the clinton foundation, turn it over to new management, only send maybe a holiday greeting card and that's about it because this is -- this is a creeping problem if they continue to work with their own foundation when they're in the white house. >> we have lots more to discuss.
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gentlemen don't go anywhere. up next is hillary clinton is elected will her honeymoon with congress be over before it begins? omato. intensely-flavored. colorfully-diverse. beautifully-misshapen. cultivated for generations, it's the unexpected hero of any dish. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients. step-by-step-recipes. delivered to your door, for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery
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so when drug companies spend $100 million dollars lying about how prop sixty-one will affect veterans... i get angry. sixty-one will help lower costs for everyone, including vets. believe me. not them. vote yes on sixty-one.
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if hillary clinton makes it to the white house she probably shouldn't expect much of a honeymoon. mr. alexanderen dershowtiz and douglas brinkley. i'm going to start with you first, let's talk about the republican of the over site committee, jason chaffetz. he told the "washington post" this, a quote, he says it's a target-rich environment even before we get to day one, we've got two years worth of material already lined up. she has four years of history with the state department, and ain't -- and it ain't good. what kind of investigations? more benghazi style smoke or is this a real smoking gun here? certain, chaffetz has indicated he wants to followup on the e-mail investigation. and you know, the -- there are likely more fbi documents, there's likely more testimony to come on that. i don't see where it goes.
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i think the more troubling part of that for a clinton presidency will be on security clearances for some of the top aides. jim comey said he didn't see criminal conduct, but there would be sanctions for somebody -- people who engaged in the kind of activity hillary clinton did in terms of security clearances, so jake sullivan, who is her chief policy advisor, and very much in line for national -- to be national security advisor, will have to get the highest security cle clearance from the intelligence committee. the fbi and other intelligence agencies go along with it? that's where you're going to see some really intense and troubling issues after the election. >> is it fire or just smoke? >> i think there's fire here, and this is the best reason the democrats have control of the senate and the house.
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if you want the next two and four years to be nothing but investigations to the president then vote republican but if you want to see congress that gets things done, a congress that works with the president, that's why it's imperative to vote for a democratic congress and democratic senate. i think the republican leadership has made the best case for why decent americans ought not to vote to ellow tall republicans to take over if there's going to be a democratic president. >> there were a number of investigations into bill clinton as we all know, even impeachment. it rebounded to hurt the republicans more than it hurt him politically at the time. is this history repeating or a different situation here? >> the hate-clinton crowd will keep going after the clintons but the republican party shouldn't act so full of huburus. what is the republican party? it's two parties and donald trump is a -- going to be a giant factor if he loses. he's got all the e-mails of his
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support esers supporters. he's the hot engine of the republican party and is paul ryan going to be able to stay as speaker of the house when he's taken this tepid view of the trump campaign, meaning the civil war going on with the republican party might be a gift to hillary clinton. she might -- the we may be watching trump versus ryan and the like while hillary clinton's able to track with moderate republicans that ahave rejected, like kaine and graham and the like. >> he as president will conduct investigation says of hillary clinton and try to put her in jail. the president doesn't have that power and hillary clinton will not do anything like that so it will be very one sided. they will be partisan, the republicans, and hillary clinton as president will not be going after republicans because she can't. she obeys the law. the justice department has to be objective neutral nonpartisan. >> michael there's a lot of
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revelations that have come out of these wikileaks and as you and douglas has said, it's not really sort of the bombshell that republicans had hoped. but the possibility of the russian government doing this, would chaffetz want to base his investigates on stolen documents from the russians? >> no if it's framed that way, he certainly wouldn't but i think, you know, his determination to pursue the clintons will probably over ride his reluctance to be seen as doing the russians bidding. but you know i -- that is another area where looking to post election there could be investigates and a lot more to find, which is just what were the russians up to here and were there associations with people in the trump camp? were they trying to aid and
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facilitate donald trump's election? we know that paul manafort, trump's former campaign manager, is being investigated by the fbi grows out of some of those ledgers in ukraine for payments. i wouldn't be so sure that you wouldn't see a clinton justice department going after people in the trump camp post election because of some of these associations. >> i hope that doesn't happen. criminalizing by the democrats or the republicans is a serious mistake. once the election is over you can have investigations as to whether the russians were involved but i think it's a terrible mistake for the winner to go after the loser through the justice department in a criminal way. >> at least in recent history we have seen republicans wanting to prosecute democrats especially if they get into the office. do you remember donald trump said he criticized hillary clinton for not wanting to prosecute or either -- or go
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after the former president. >> right. >> for iraq. why is it always republicans wanting to prosecute democrats? >> they're -- believe me, there are democrats who want to pro t prosecute republicans. >> they never followup on it. >> no it's the radical wing of the democratic party that loses, that got that. if sanders got elected he would probably do that. >> with the republican party it's the radical wing of the republican party nothing would happen? >> i think there is only a radical wing of the republican party. these days there's recenterous wing of the republican party. >> you have a new york attorney general democrat clinton supporter, erik smiednyderman, has launched an investigation during this election. there's plenty to go around. >> what do you say, douglas? >> i'm going to be a little bit hopeful, which hillary clinton wins, which polls look like she's going to, that country rallies behind her and they'll
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be a little bit of bipartisan good will for a while. that might be naive, but i'm thinking on immigration reform, paragraph some infrastructure projects we could have six months of some positive action on capitol hill, this idea of scorched earth policy continuing about both sides, i don't know if the american public has the stomach for it. i do think, don, how big a margin hillary clinton wins matters and whether the democrats get the senate matters, but if donald trump pulls less than mit romney and john mccain did, it's not a trump revolution, it's a trump peter out. i think you will see responsible republicans wanting to try to do some business for at least a little while with hillary clinton. >> what if trump wins? >> if trump wins it's a revolution, and it really is draining of the swamp in washington. it's going to be -- it has untold consequences if he comes in, and he will try to prosecute
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hillary clinton. i believe his threat of going to jail. meanwhile he'll have supposedly suing a bevy of women that have accused him of harassment and we're looking at a circus atmosphere around the inauguration. >> they'll never bring those lawsuits. he would have to submit to discovery. he would have to sit down for hours and hours. boy would i love to be that lawyer cross examining donald trump about his sexual history. i remember what happened when bill clinton foolishly agreed to be deposed when he could have easily settled the case. donald trump, oh, no no decent lawyer will allow donald trump to bring a lawsuit about anything sexual, believe me to quote donald trump, believe me. >> stick around, everyone hold that thought and we'll get to it on the other side of the break. be right back. i laugh, i sneeze... there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you'll love this. incredible protection in a pad this thin. i didn't think it would work, but it does. it's called always discreet watch this. this super absorbent core turns liquid to gel,
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back with me now, a question to you, ted cruz has been floating this idea of a total block a blockade of supreme court appointments. there is certainly a long hif historical precedent for a supreme court with fewer just e justices. can they do that?
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>> there are two implications. nobody is going to retire from the supreme court. we're going to have 90-year-old supreme court justices. nobody is going to leave if they know their vacacy is not going to be filled. hillary clinton will appoint the first asian american and the republicans are going to be the ones not allowing an asian american, when a large number of americans are voting for the asian-americans. and the republicans will lose if she does this. >> so douglas, cruz isn't the only threatening a scotus blockade. here's clinton last week. >> i promise you that we will be united against any supreme court nominee that hillary clinton, if she were president would put up. i promise you. >> he later walked that back. is there any historical precedent for this? >> no, this would be a -- again,
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another -- we're looking at a shutdown of the supreme court in essence. to not be able to have nine supreme court justices to operate with eight, and those are war words. basically that's the same as donald trump calling the election rigged. republicans are saying we don't want a full supreme court. well stop it. we don't care who it is. i'm glad john mccain walked that back. he should have. but some of these threats are designed to make sure if hillary clinton wins she doesn't go with somebody too progressionive, he choice is somebody in a kind of centrist, in the kind of center mold. i don't want to say they're getting veiled threats, but they're letting her know don't get hard left, we don't want a william douglas on our hands. >> doesn't sound that merrick, michael? >> i thought this was the first
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question, does she recommit merrick garland, a assuming he doesn't get confirmed after the election and that's a somewhat tough choice because he was selected because he is seen as a centrist, democrat moderate, republicans like oren hatch had supported in the past, but to the progressive base of the party, he's not the kind of supreme court justice they are going to be looking for. i think there could be some real issues on that. >> and remember the constitution says, with the advice and consent of the senate. if i'm a republican senator i give my advice to president obama and hillary clinton and say renominate merrick garland, we'll confirm him, but don't nominate anybody to the left of him and it will send a very powerful message as long as the democrats don't try to use the election to determine the
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supreme court for years to come as a leftist constitution. >> so if they know justices -- who was that? >> it was doug. i was going to say hillary clinton's doing everything in mind to have a democratic senate and this is one of the reasons, that democrats take over the senate, somebody like garland will be able to get through this process quite easily, but i think allen nailed it, she's going to have a choice of doubling down on garland or perhaps an asian-american and sticking it to the republicans in another fashion. i believe we'll have our ninth supreme court justice in 2017. >> douglas, i wanted to and is there an incentive if you know if you're a justice and you know you're seat is not going to be filled does it lead you in a way to retire or not to retire? >> of course there's politics in things but if you're not going to -- you know, health is what usually gets people, but hillary clinton has one post to fill and she's probably going to have
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another vacancy on her hand so it will be a obama/hillary clinton supreme court and that's been the key point donald trump's been trying to bring the right back home, the ted cruz republicans saying hillary clinton wins, we're probably going to have two more supreme court justices that don't think as constitutionalists like we do. >> the last supreme court retired for health reasons. o'connor had the option not to, suitor, and stevens, who was quite old but healthy. i do think it will have a big impact on keeping justices on the supreme court because they care about the constitution. th they don't want the institution to be damaged. >> it could go into the 90s. >> the city is broken in some ways and we're destroying our institutions. do you agree? >> yeah, i think most of the country agrees with that -- for
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different reasons, but you know, the dysfunctional nature of washington, the inability of congress and the president to work together on anything, you know, is -- has been -- you know, it's certainly been a major factor for -- in donald trump's rise, but the perception that we need to throw the -- you know, the -- all the rascal out, that's why he got as far as he did and were it not for his manifest flaws on so many other fronts he'd probably be doing a lot better against hillary clinton who, for better or worse, is seen as somebody whose been around for many years and is an establishment figure who's part of the system in washington. >> douglas, if the country agrees with that, then why don't they elect people who can work together? >> well, look, first off, on that whole broken argument, barack obama has a 55% a prappr
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rating. that's not broken. that's the numbers of ronald reagan, and bill clinton out of z zenith meaning people are believing the obama administration, they're doing well. hillary clinton might win an absolute historic election. i think what's broken is congress. congress has about a 15% or lower approval rating and that is a problem. i don't think the supreme court is just as broken if we get a ninth in. our armed forces aren't broken and i don't think the executive branch is broken. i think it's the legislative branch that's a mess. >> i do think people don't vote to make sure people can work together. they vote for president who they like, a senator who they like. the effect is, either to have gridlock or to have working together, but very few people cast a vote in order to decrease gridlock or increase working together. i think that's why we get gridlocked because it's an unintended convenience of voting for individuals. >> so the vote is emotional, rather than --
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>> no, it -- >>er >> ser reb ral. >> i'll vote for the president and i'll vote for the senator of a different party because i want to make sure there's gridlock. i think there's very little of that. there's an attempt to do that by some republicans saying please vote for republicans in the senate because we think hillary clinton will win and we don't want to give herre, her way without checks and balances. >> thank you, gentlemen. see you next time. we'll be right back. ♪ it's a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪ ♪ trintellix (vortioxetine) is a prescription medicine for depression. trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. for me, trintellix made a difference. tell your healthcare professional right away
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attention. famous for portraits although not really an artist. >> i started giant celebrity pumpkins in 1998. >> reporter: done everybody from miley soois to kim jun un, and kanye west. hit with glasses. pumpkinizes whoever is big in the news, donald and hillary no surprise. trickiest feert to get right on trumpkin, is the hair. made up of six large wigs. carved trumpkins are popping up all over social media. when it comes to halloween, the donald is winning. mask is overwhelmingly outselling hillary's nationwide, usually candidate whose mask
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sells best wins election but trump has an up. >> left wants to lampoon him and right wants to celebrate. >> most who buy them are men. trumpkin will last until new years, what happens when it's time to get rid of them before dumping them in the trash, jeanette says chops them up like in a "psycho" shower scene. that's hair raising. jeanne moos, cnn new york. >> people will get so much pleasure out of carving pumpkins this season right? and all be over on november 9th, hopefully. that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching. see you right back here tomorrow.
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starting my own business. san francisco is such an expensive place to live. the way people work and travel is changing. the guests are now able to stay longer, stay five days, enjoy another day in san francisco and spend more money in the neighborhood. my guests are able to extend their stay and spend more money on activities and restaurants. - the extra income that i get from airbnb has been a huge impact in my life. good evening. 9 p.m. here in new york with a scary aviation accident involving indiana governor mike pence. plane skidding off the runway at new york's laguardia airport.
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ended up on a highway, stopped the plane off the end of the two fairly short runways. just got air traffic control of the incident, begins as the plane is cleared to land with significant winds blowing across the runway. >> eastern, 113. >> copy. >> stop, stop eastern. we have an issue on the airport. we have an emergency in the airport. go around. heading, climbing. getting help for you. >> an issue as she said but thankfully no one was hurt. plane is still there. investigation just beginning. see the wheels look like they collapsed. just moments ago governor pence tweeted so


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